|| Anne of Cleves ||
Confirmed depictions: || Holbein portraits || || Bruyn portrait || || Triptychon ||
Confirmed depictions: || Holbein portraits || || Bruyn portrait || || Triptychon ||
||Clothing Elements ||
Timeline of Depictions of Dress, In Costume Books, Codice de trajes
I have collected as many examples of extant tailoring and dressmaking books as I can to create a virtual timeline very easily accessed by the public.
Note: This is a supplement to my Survey in which all items are removed from context. It is recommended that the Survey is read first.
The gown has been dated to the 1520s based on the fabric weave, the style, and probable connection to Mary of Hungary and Louis II. This connection is not yet substantiated by physical, written, or visual evidence outside the aforementioned style and the potential for the garments to have been presented as gifts to the Mariazell shrine by the royal couple while on a pilgrimage around the time of their wedding.
Ioanne Iacomo, 1540s-?,
Il Libro del Sarto
Die Meisterstückbücher des Schneiderhandwerks in Innsbruck
Polish Tailor’s Cutting Guide from Germany, Breslau 1567, AC 1992.243.1.