1545- 1568: Nidermayr, Meisterstückbüch

Die Meisterstückbücher des Schneiderhandwerks in Innsbruck
Ingeborg Petrascheck-Heim
© Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum, Innsbruck download under www.biologiezentrum.at
This very important article includes a few scans of several tailor books including: Nidermayr, 1545, Innsbruck, Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum F.B. 4240
The scans are cited as “aus der Schneider Mattery von 1566.” This date appears on one of the plates but this section is dated as 1568 in Drei Schnittbücher.
The entire book book has been scanned, transcribed and translated as part of Drei Schnittbücher Three Austrian Master Tailor Books of the 16th Century
Author: Katherine Barich; Marion McNealy
Publisher: Kennewick Nadel und Faden Press 2015
Edition/Format: Print book : EnglishView all editions and formats