1588: Freyle, Geometria y traça para el oficio de los sastres

1589: Alcega, Libro de geometria, pratica y traça [Texto impreso]

1590 (?): Leonfeldner Schnittbuch

1590 (?): Schneidermusterbuch (Enns)

1617: Segovia, El libro Llibre de Geometría del ofici de sastres

1618: Rocha Burguen, Geometria y traça perteneciente al oficio de sastres

1628 (?): Tailors book of Poznań

1640: Anduxar, Geometria Y Trazas Pertenecientes Al Oficio De Sastres

1641- Kisszeben

1671: le Tailleur Sincere

1682: Bruck, Schnittmusterbuch

1720: Albayzeta, Geometria y trazas pertenecientes al oficio de sastres

A Survey of Women’s Clothing of the North Rhine

Anne of Cleves: the Bruyn portraits

This stunningly beautiful portrait of Anne has been variously attributed to Hans Wertinger or considered to be a copy of the painting at St Johns, Oxford. For much of the 20th century it was lost and only known by the black and white photograph.

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English Wedding Contract

Eyn Neue Kunstlichbuch

Jeweler’s inventory

Marie Leanore

Spotlight: Nuremberg