The New Classic Coiffure
The New Classic Coiffure

The first step in making the Classic Coiffure is to brush all the hair toward the back, taking care that every tangle is removed. After the hair is smooth, a parting is made just a little to the left of the centre front. It commences at the forehead and continues to the top of the head.

Another part is made, beginning on the line of the first parting, two inches back from the forehead. This second parting runs down the side of the head and terminates just behind the left ear. then the hair is again divided, the parting beginning at this side parting and running parallel with the first.

First the lower division on the left side is combed and made into a pompadour. It is held in place with a side comb. Then the front portion is put up. The second illustration shows how this is done. The illustration above shows how to fasten the right side of the pompadour. Only one parting is made on the right side however.

This picture shows how to make the puffs. the ends of the pompadour only are used for this purpose. These long ends are divided into several small strands. Each strand is then rolled over the two forefingers, toward the head, until the full length of the hair is used. The puff is held in place with two hair pins, one at each end.

Each strand makes one puff, and care should be taken when fastening these puffs to arrange them in a soft graceful cluster. The shape of the cluster should be very like the psyche knot to be quite modish. The illustration above shows the hair after all the puffs are made and before the back hair is divided in two for the coils.

The back hair should be divided in two equal parts. The right division is twisted just enough to make it coil shape. It is then brought over to the left side, wound around the pompadour two inches from the cluster of puffs on that side, but close to the puffs on the right side, where it is securely fastened with an invisible hair pin.

If the back hair is long enough to completely encircle the circle of puffs, the left division may also start on the left side. If the hair is short, the coil should cross the back and start from the right side. This second coil should be outside the first coil on the right side, and inside on the left, the coils crossing in the front.

This view shows the completed Classic Coiffure ornamented only with a large handsome barrette which fastens through the coils and holds the hair firm.

One of the new coiffure bands of brilliantly coloured sequins mounted on gold braid and decorated with a buckle of the same makes a charming ornament.

Grecian bands as hair ornaments are modish.