Keeping The Hair Pretty
NB: The views and methods expressed here are not those of The Frock Chick. This is published as a look into life and expectations of the age.
Keeping the hair Pretty
Every girl may not be blessed with the abundance of hair she may desire, but every girl may and should have pretty hair, because pretty hair means clean, well-kept hair, nearly and becomingly arranged.
Proper care of the hair means, first, proper care of your health.
This is imperative. There is no part of our bodies that shows ill or neglected health more quickly than the hair. When the hair starts to get thin and lifeless it is far wiser to consult a doctor than a hair-dresser.
But do you know the best way to health is happiness? No girl should really expect to have health or beauty without first cultivating a happy contented mind.
If you are not ready to accept this statement, first look at someone who believes that beauty creams and powders, hair tonics and false hair cover up mean thoughts and make her beautiful.
She is not, is she? And do you know that as the days go on, she must and will use more and more artificial means, with less and less pleasing results.
To Keep Your Hair Clean.
Granted happy and contented thoughts mean health, and that health is the key to beauty, start to work from the inside out, instead of with lotions and tonics from the outside in; and in the care of your hair remember that cleanliness is of vital importance. This does not mean you should wash your hair too often, for there are other ways of keeping your hair clean, and never should the hair be washed oftener than once in three weeks. This is best for both dry and oily hair.
To wash the hair first comb it out thoroughly, then rub the scalp with the fingers until it is aglow and the scalp loose. If there is a quantity of dandruff a soap solution of pure soap and warm water, the consistency of cream, may be rubbed in with a toothbrush. Then wash the hair in warm water and the soap solution, rubbing the scalp thoroughly until all particles of dirt and dandruff are removed.
The real secret, however, in washing the hair well is in the rinsing. The trouble usually is that the soap is not thoroughly removed, and it is injurious to leave any soap in the hair. It makes the hair sticky, and gradually rots and breaks it. To rinse the hair, start first with warm water, and keep changing until cold water is used. A bath spray is excellent to get out all the soap. Do not ring and twist the hair- this breaks it., and do not mop it up and down so that it becoes hoeplessly tangled. Squeeze the ends in a towel, then start and work the scalp with the finger-tips, lifting strands of hair and shaking out the water and the tangles. The hair should be combed, then brushed dry. Do not employ artificial heat.
What to do After Washing It.
If the hair and scalp are very dry after washing, a small quantity of vaseline may be rubbed in. If the hair is still oily and lies flat on the head, sprinkle a little powdered orris-root on the hair, then brush it out thoroughly. This will make the hair soft and fluffy, will polish and gloss it, and the odour from the orris-root is delightfully refreshing and pleasant.
You need never fear that you will catch cold after washing the hair if you keep out of a draught while the hair is wet, and if the scalp is thoroughly invigorated by massage and brushing, and cold water is used for the last rinsing.
Brush the hair with an upward stroke so that the hair will be rinsed from the scalp. Use as stiff a brush as you can comfortably stand, and always keep your brush and comb absolutely clean.
Between shampoos the hair may be kept clean by vigorous brushing and air-baths- that is, loosen the hair, and shake it out where air and sunlight may penetrate every part of it.
Some simple Rules
Take the hair down at night, as it is dangerous to sleep with all the pins in it, and bad to keep the hair in an unnatural position. Rub the scalp until it feels warm and loose under your fingers. Brush it well, part it and braid it loosely. You will sleep better from this precaution, and your hair will be benefitted by the rest, the same as you are by a sound sleep.
Of course it is best not to rough or comb up the hair to make it fluffy, but if it is an alternative between this and wearing a false puff, by all means accept the first, and it need not be as injurious a method as one may think, if you know how to comb out the tangles. Do not start at the top of the strand and comb down (this only bunches the tangles and pulls the hair out), but comb from the bottom up, taking out the tangles as you have put them in.
To curl the hair with a hot iron is injurious. If your hair is straight, try to find some pretty way to dress it naturally, or use kid-curlers to give it the desired wave.
Never tie the hair with an elastic; this breaks the hair; use, instead, a soft cotton cord or string.
Simple tonics may be used, but one of their great values lies in the friction by rubbing them in.